Friday, March 8, 2013

2,000 hits!

2000 Hits!
          Well today I've officially garnered 2,000 hits on my blog. Considering that I started it 11 days ago, that's nearly 200 hits per day.
           Things are going exceptionally well. The buisiness is making progress in leaps & bounds. As I write this post there are 7 active visitors reading my blog. From Google analytics I see that I have visitors from all fifty states with the exception of Montana and South dakota.
           They say to do something for your business every day. Today I've put some very exciting things in place that I belive are going to take my business to the next level. I'm looking forward to this new exciting time.
             It's amazing how many people will say "No" to a free opportunity. MLM companies really drive me crazy by giving our revolutionary business a bad rap. I don't even feel that our buisiness is concidered a "MLM". There are no "Levels" nobody makes money differently. There's no bonuses to be paid out once you reach a certain level. That's because it's Profit-Sharing. ALL PROFITS that Time and Money generates is paid out.
            Once people realize the overwhelming power that is behind this type of buisiness system, and the kind of power that they will invest in themselves, they're going to notice that they've created some massive leverage. Think about Wal-Mart. How much would you give to have a retail product in a company such as wal-mart? Do you think that Wal-Mart has a say on how much they buy a product for? Will Wal-Mart pay more than their competitors? Most likely not.
            That's what this business is creating. We're creating something for regular people. Something that instead of making Sam Walton's children rich, we have designed a structure that pays back the regular consumer. We've removed all roadblocks that everyone gets hung up on. I'm excited for where things are going! - come ride the wave with us.
            Everyone enjoy your weekend.

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